• Ameer Safawi Dates

    Sold out

    Ameer Safawi Dates 500g



    Safawi is a soft variety known for its black or reddish texture and chewy and sweet taste. It is one of the most eaten varieties and a traditional favourite. This is also grown and cultivated in the city of Madinah, adding to its value.

  • Medjoul Dates

    Palestinian Medjoul Dates 500g



    Palestinian Natural Medjoul Dates

  • aiwa dates

    Sold out

    Ameer Ajwa Dates 500g



    Known as the ‘holy date’, ajwa is a revered variety associated with centuries-old Islamic faith. Grown exclusively in the Saudi Arabian city of Madinah, the dates feature a mildly sweet flesh with a raisin-like texture and black skin. Ajwa are often limited in supply, adding to its exclusivity.

  • Medjoul Dates

    Palestinian Medjoul Dates 900g



    Palestinian Natural Medjoul Dates